Positive Leadership Strategies

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Meet Kim Cameron, the author of

Positive Leadership Strategies for Extraordinary Performance

Kim Cameron shows how to reach beyond ordinary success to achieve extraordinary effectiveness.  Susan Stamm talked with him about his book Positive Leadership on February 24, 2009.  In order to achieve spectacular results,  Kim Cameron calls for “positively deviant performance”–performance far above the norm.

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Citing a wide range of research in organizational development and psychology as well as real-world examples, Cameron shows that to go from successful to exceptional, leaders must learn how to create a profoundly positive environment in the workplace. They must build on strengths rather than simply focus on weaknesses; foster positive emotions like compassion, optimism, gratitude, and forgiveness; encourage mutually supportive relationships at all levels; and provide employees with a deep sense of meaning and purpose. In this concise, inspiring, and practical guide, Cameron describes four specific positive leadership strategies, lays out a proven process for implementing them, and includes a self-assessment instrument and a guide to assist leaders in the implementation process.

You can learn more about our 360 feedback process similar to the one discussed in this podcast at our web site.

The TEAM Approach, sponsors of Bookends Book Club, is committed to helping individuals and organizations improve their effectiveness. Working with leaders as well as developing teams that work collaboratively. You may investigate the information, products and services provided by The TEAM Approach by visiting our web site. Contact us for more details on how we can help your organization.